Perp Trade Mark

Perp Trade Mark

Friday, March 2, 2012

My Sleep Shield protects me from RF influences

As long as we, as a society, continue to bury our heads in the sand, hope that all of this nastiness will just go away, ask "can't we all just get along," without getting up off of our apathetic asses, without turning off the damned TV, without allowing ourselves to be duped and hoodwinked by our so-called leaders - we are about as useless as windshield wipers on a cat's ass."

 Well, that might not seem suspicious to some people, but I believe someone out there is trying to get me on the unlicensed practice of law. In my state, what constitutes practice of law is determined on a case by case basis and it has been established that actions of counseling and advising clients on their legal rights is within the definition of practicing law. Somebody out there knows this and has red teamed yet another way to try to get me to take some well-laid bait specifically designed to set me up, in an attempt to save their own asses.
  I believe there has been yet another set up attempt made by law enforcement in order to reign me in and silence me so that I will quit producing material that is embarrassing to the establishment and the power elite and to prevent me from going forward to vindicate the legal rights that have been taken from me already without due process of law. Tonight, I got a message from a person whom I previously suspected to be a perp, a person that I believe has been attempting to gas light me through private messages and comments on my videos. The e-mail read "need to ask you - a few questions regarding a legal matter if that is ok?" I did not respond. A couple hours later when there had been no activity on my page this person then sends me another e-mail stating something like "I guess you don't want to help - thanks."
 Just to let you know that I asked you for help because I have had money stolen from me fraudulently and with you having legal background I thought you could answer a few questions for me but, noooo. You had to go off on a tangent and suspect me of trying to mess with your non existent life you have. I have already spoken with an attorney so, no worries. Your earlier statement proves my theory of you being delusional and a paranoid schizophrenic. How can you have any friends when you always think everyone is out to get you? Good luck in your fucked up world.

I grew up in Glen Dale West Vagina, I ain't proud of it but hey, everyone has to grow up somewhere, right?

Now, we lived at 605 Glen haven right next door to the Wiseman house. When I was six or seven Marie adopted young Woger because, well, I'm going to be blunt, his real mammy didn't give a shit about him and his daddy was tampering with him, if you know what I mean. Seems Woger Wiseman Sr. liked a little sausage between the bun, if you know what I mean.

Now young Woger was a real piece of work, if you know what I mean. Hell, we called him Stinky because, well, you know that kid that always smells like he shit his pants? That kid was Woger. My mammy said he couldn't help it none because of what his daddy did to him. See, Stinky had no sphincter control. Be that is it may, the little shit also picked his nose and ate his own boggers.

God knows I beat him up enough for it (just for his own good you understand) but it would never stop the fucker from dining on his own nose candy. Also, I admit I hated the little fuck, despised him really, but he was useful. Like, say you were a little short on lunch money that day... you could always go beat Woger out of his lunch money.

Hell it was reall easy. Generally all you had to say was 'Boo!' and the scaredy-cat would drop his lunch money, but I never let that stop me from the pleasure of giving him a right good beating! Fucker had it coming, near as I could figure it, so don't be judging me too harshly.
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