Perp Trade Mark

Perp Trade Mark

Saturday, March 3, 2012

I'm a Targeted Individual


I was just informed by the head of the main library that duffle bags are not allowed. I had been at this library several times and this is the first time I was informed about this rule. I had problems with this library before and it is directly connected to the stalking. Please note the links below.

February 2012 Journal:
January 2012 Journal:
December 2011 Journal:
Is Your Library Surveillancing You (6/22/07):

At this present time I'm 1) a Targeted Individual of Government Covert Crimes 2) a Whistleblower of Government Corruption 3) a victim of Micro-wave Torture 4) a victim of persistant food-product contamination 5) a victim of forced homelessness due to A) police corruption B) government neglect C) income assassination.

I'm targeted by an array of satellite systems, drones, vehicles pulsing micro-wave signals, aircraft surveillance, GPS cell phones, infiltrated facilities that have been equipped with these devices, micro-wave pulsing generators that have been placed in remote locations (woods, buildings, hwy).

I'm forced to carry my belongings because 1) I'm homeless and 2) I'm a Targeted Individual.

Because my food is often contaminated, I have to carry a duffle bag. I can not eat at the shelter system, because they are often very infiltrated by criminal perpetrators. This does not discount that all the businesses that I shop at are not infiltrated. It is just that I can document these crimes much better.

So this individual is signaling out homeless people, which is a violation of human rights law. I just hope that her or none of her family would have to deal with something like this.

As I was walking along the railroad tracks, this individual was seen. Because of the nature of these crimes, I confronted this individual. This is an unusual area for foot traffic and the only reason why someone would be walking over here is because they were sent to GPS my location.

When a person GPS a Targeted Individual, they are uploading information beneficial to personnel manipulating satellite systems. These satellite systems have the ability to manipulate different parts of the Targeted Individual body.

For instance, the target of these crimes often feel electro shocks, vibrations of body parts, burning, stimulation of the genitals, etc. This happens 24 hours a day and seven days a week.

I have been able to document these crimes for over 3 years. This specific situation can be document since I have been staying in this area. This information can be found on my website: Government Sponsored Stalking (Google it).

This is the first time I was able to actually document someone GPSing my location on the railroad tracks. But it has been happening for about 3 months now.

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