I was already aware that the building owner, the staff, and most of the other tenants were all perps, that they had hidden cameras and microphones in my room, and that they were all closet homosexuals. If you purchase my book, 'Gang-Stalking and Mind-Control: The Destruction of Society Through Community Spying Networks' (available at lulu.com for only $9.95 US)
The perps have been using black lab puppies with surgically implanted radio transmitters inside them.The owners of these monstrosity from hell , walk these beast up and down my street beaming RF radio beams in under my door way. I can clearly see four red Peugeot cars parked in a row and a perp dressed in a red sweater walking behind the red Peugeots. I think this might be it brothers.
Every single one of these charges that have been made against me are lies and every single one of them has been communicated to third parties in a way that damages my reputation. Surely, this defamation has damaged at least one person's view of me and has set me back concerning my goals of getting my message out to the widest audience possible and has stunted my progress in creating a following and eventually being discovered by a producer. Clearly, this is a slam dunk case of defamation of character as well as other privacy torts. Therefore, I am kindly asking the people to publicly retract the lies that they are propagating about me and publicly apologize to both me and their audiences for lying to them about me.