This is the cheapest place I can get kerosene it is about 40 miles from my home it is a bulk fueling plant. A farm and ranch supply place and a hard ware store, which are 25 miles from me, and are in opposite directions , are usually at least a dollar higher than this place.
It was 4.99 last time I bought some in December here. Needless to say I only bought a gallon yesterday.
I'm can get CF for 7.28 / gal. at Walmart and Crown for 7.99. By the time I factor pre-heat fuel cost, I'm saving very little w/ the kerosene models for all the extra maintanance they require.
New Super Walmart opened near us this week, a gallon of Coleman fuel (which I was glad to see in the new store) was 9.87. Bought 68 gallons of water clear kerosene this last fall for about 4.00 a gallon, last week I bought 27 more gallons for 4.30 a gallon. Now that was at a petroleum bulk plant, pretty sure it doesn't get any cheaper than the local distributor. Most of the kerosene goes for heating of course, the Perfection heaters we use, but maybe 12-14 gallons in the GPA lamps and lanterns too. We use about one hundred gallons a year here, most for heating, it saves big time on the natural gas bill, not so much kerosene is cheaper than NG, but we only heat part of the house when using the kerosene heater.
I have no problem with registering my disapproval of socialist and communist ideologies, or my contempt for pedophiles. As far as what consenting adults choose to do, I could care less. I am a staunch libertarian when it comes to interference by government into the personal private affairs of citizens. It's not really an area in which the government should be wasting resources. And I certainly don't think it should be keeping secret files on people to be used for blackmail. We have seen where that has led. I wonder how many of these perps are being blackmailed.
I forgot to mention that these troll perps are portraying themselves as Socialists/Communists, Pedophiles/ Perverts and unfortunately Homosexuals in order to get you to attack these groups verbally out of frustration and anger . That way they can recruit these groups to help them in their program against you. I figure you already know this , but others may not. They also use other activist groups . Local gangs, PETA, and religious organizations as well .........
It came to my notice thetruthisoutthere32 has been compromised, he went in deep cover (by deep I mean real deep) to infiltrate the targets. But it seems his cover was blown very recently. So it will be a matter of days until he will return to mission control. We see this all the time, Hollywood even made a movie about it, does the name "Jason Bourne" ring any bells? Well he is a bad example but usually they'll eventually surface back on the HQ
I was already aware that the building owner, the staff, and most of the other tenants were all perps, that they had hidden cameras and microphones in my room, and that they were all closet homosexuals. If you purchase my book, 'Gang-Stalking and Mind-Control: The Destruction of Society Through Community Spying Networks' (available at for only $9.95 US)
The perps have been using black lab puppies with surgically implanted radio transmitters inside them.The owners of these monstrosity from hell , walk these beast up and down my street beaming RF radio beams in under my door way. I can clearly see four red Peugeot cars parked in a row and a perp dressed in a red sweater walking behind the red Peugeots. I think this might be it brothers.
Every single one of these charges that have been made against me are lies and every single one of them has been communicated to third parties in a way that damages my reputation. Surely, this defamation has damaged at least one person's view of me and has set me back concerning my goals of getting my message out to the widest audience possible and has stunted my progress in creating a following and eventually being discovered by a producer. Clearly, this is a slam dunk case of defamation of character as well as other privacy torts. Therefore, I am kindly asking the people to publicly retract the lies that they are propagating about me and publicly apologize to both me and their audiences for lying to them about me.
You may remember my video entitled "The Heat is On - I Won't Be Chilled." In it I discussed how the perpetrators of my stalking campaign tried to use police intimidation to prevent me from further exercising my First Amendment rights in order to document and call attention to the crimes which are being committed against me by some in the law enforcement and intelligence communities. Well, I guess they figured the problem with that approach is that they didn't have a high enough "force multiplier" and they needed to send in the gunships to scare me into submission. After some setup attempts failed, they sent the helicopter from the city police force over to "shock and awe" me with their technological superiority and overwhelming advantage. The intent was to demoralize me to the point of curling up in the fetal position and dying in a ditch a broken and destroyed man because of the abuses that are being directed at me by so many in my community, including those with the monopoly on power. Unfortunately for them, that is not an option for me and I am going to continue to take the steps necessary to seek redress of my rights, which have been taken from me without due process, in what I imagine was a secret meeting within the executive where someone signed my death by a thousand cuts warrant.
Would a real targeted individual engage in hurtful defamation of character campaigns against other targets? I have been the target of so much defamation, false light, intrusion upon seclusion, and public disclosure of private facts because of my targeting. It has been very damaging to me. Therefore, I would never engage in these types of activities against another person. It seems to me that any person who has been the target of a character assassination would feel this way, which is why I am confident that it was right to block certain accounts. Anyone who would condone or continue to associate with people who engage in such acts are also questionable in my mind.
To possums1010 (Regarding posting the same information presented below regarding defamation campaigns and COINTELPRO tactics over at TAPSCEO's channel):
All I know is he is being attacked by the same people who are attacking me. I will put the same message that I have displayed here on my own channel page on anyone's page who I feel is being attacked by those looking to discredit others. I have dealt with some of these people, and they have exposed their true colors to me. Therefore, if they are attacking him, the likelihood is they are going after him for similar reasons. He may say things that I don't agree with but that wasn't the topic of my comments. Was it? Instead, I was offering advice to those in the TI community who might be vulnerable and do not need any more of other people's shit.
If anyone has been contacted by 27Noodles59 or anyone else who is trying to lower the receiver of the transmission's estimation of me, I would appreciate it if he or she would alert me to this fact and forward me a copy of the transmission. Communicating lies about another person to a third party in order to villify that person in the mind of an individual or a community is what defamation of character is all about. Don't fall for defamation campaigns.
To Possums1010:
But the fact is, you've been planning this for awhile. Isn't it? Wasn't that your purpose for posting "Is this R.T.S." as a comment in "Cowardice" after I blocked 27Noodles59 and TheAssailed? Isn't that why you will not hand over information regarding the lies and smear campaign that is being operated against me by these individuals? Wasn't the plan to try to lump me in with R.T.S. by telling people that we were the same person, or that I was one of his alter-ego accounts, and discrediting us together? Isn't that the same thing that is being done with those very despicable perp accounts as well?
To Possums1010:
You are hell bent on picking a fight with me over my choice of where I post comments. When I saw you posting comments on the boards of some of these people did I come to you and pick a fight over it? No, because I hold each individual responsible for their own actions and not the actions of others. Guilt by association is yet another tactic used by those who practice COINTELPRO. I see that you are gearing up to use it on me because I posted over at TAPSCEO's channel. Weird.
I bet our arch nemesis thetruthisoutthere32 has send his minions to watch you.
If I were you I would contact the authorities even though the likes of thetruthisoutthere32 are heavily involved with law enforcement. I still think there are a few genuine law enforcers left, don't think he was able to flip them all.
But it's going to be a hard road my friend, I have dealt with perp scum myself as well. They harassed me and my children. They even broke into our house while we were sleeping. The perps later told me they opened my fridge and pissed in the grape-drink... So always be sure to check your beverages for urine, thetruthisoutthere32 is a sick twisted individual. They all are...
For the last two days there has been a unmarked white van sitting a 1/4 my away from my house and every time I let my dog out, he runs to it and starts to bark and growl at it, I can't see into the back because there is a partition behind the front seats, And get this.... It's a GMC product that runs on Natural Gas, sounds like a Government vehicle doesn't it, "GMC, Natural Gas". Coupled with the fact that even inside the house he barks and growls for no apparent reason and sniffs the air (out of character for him).
Along with the fact that my Internet has been molasses slow for the last two days and disconnects periodically. When I go to reconnect, there are 2 available wifi's, mine and one that is labeled F.B.I. surveillance van.... Now would the F.B.I. be stupid enough to label their wifi "F.B.I. surveillance van"??????
Following the expansion of Marxist theory put forward in Mao Tse-tung Thought.
Favorite Quotations
"Stop shaking the tyrant's bloody robe in my face, or I will believe that you wish to put Rome in chains."
- Maximilien Robespierre
"Fascism is capitalism in decay."
- Vladimir Lenin ...
"To win the war is to be prepared to die."
- Atashi Miyamoto, Japanese death match wrestlerSee More