- thetruthisoutthere32 posted 2 days agoThis is worth reading, especially in an age of a corrupt Administration, a corrupt government, and a corrupt media that all act in collusion to prevent the people that they are trying to manipulate, who they are supposed to represent, from learning the truth. Good stuff. You might want to review it. Benghazi is not going away. en.wikipedia(dot)org/wiki/Cover-up
thetruthisoutthere32 posted 3 days agoThis does not bode well for justice. It is instances like this that make it hard for justice to be served in the U.S. If a former head of the Office of Professional Responsibility at the FBI can be this dirty, then how the hell can the be expected to reign in governmental abuses on the part of their agents? I hope someone better sits in that office today. usatoday30.usatoday(dot)com/news/washington/2004-02-17-ex-fb
thetruthisoutthere32 posted 3 days agoThis nation is finished, absent some sort of divine intervention. America is being fed another all-American shit sandwich.
thetruthisoutthere32 posted 4 days agoHere is a reminder of how Obama sees people in middle America.
thetruthisoutthere32 posted 4 days agoDuring the last campaign, Obama said he had visited all 57 states. I find this to be very coincidental. If there is one thing that my targeting has taught me, it is that coincidences are sometimes deliberately orchestrated. en.wikipedia(dot)org/wiki/Organisation_of_Islamic_Cooperatio
thetruthisoutthere32 posted 4 days agoI've got to tell you. Sometimes I wonder if they have the same people working on me that they used to staff the Abu Ghraib prison. Their mental degeneracy is right on par with the people involved in the prisoner abuse scandal there. It's a pretty sad reflection of our society when someone who is supposedly "free" is being worked over by such people because they use their First Amendment to discuss crimes committed against them and the political forces responsible for authorizing those crimes.
thetruthisoutthere32 posted 4 days agoThe perps in the media were hard at work this morning already trying to shape the public perception concerning this election. They wanted something to confirm the skewed polls that they are using to make it seem plausible if the Obama campaign is able to steal this election. I wonder if they'll wake up Punxsutawney Phil Sowerby and get him to cast his ballot in order to forecast how things are going to go this election night.
thetruthisoutthere32 posted 4 days agoA death cult that wastes tax dollars to the tune of trillion dollar budget deficits to fund abortion clinics, among other things, and then taxes people to at exorbitant rates to squelch their quality of life is somehow concerned about tax payer expense when it comes to paying for "ugly black babies" to live. Disgusting! This is your modern Democrat.
thetruthisoutthere32 posted 4 days agoGood retort, Governor Romney! Extraordinarily foreign. Exactly.
thetruthisoutthere32 posted 4 days agoObama's "you didn't build that" comment demonstrates his philosophy of collectivism and the war he declared against individuals. He wasn't referring to infrastructure. I know that ABC and the rest of his press psychophants have decided to try to spin it as such, but really he was insulting individuals who built businesses by turning the proverbial "Little Red Hen" story on its head, claiming that government is responsible for success, when really success occurs in spite of government.
thetruthisoutthere32 posted 4 days agoI have always thought that Bruce Springsteen is a dillhole, but his Obama toadyism is over the top. His claim to be the poor man's hero is exposed as the fraud that it is when he's willing to throw his support behind a man that has done nothing but expand the poverty base in this nation. How much money do you think Obama paid him to be his political lackey in an attempt to drag his tired and lying ass over the finish line? Clearly, he's another celebrity eunuch in Obama's new American harem.
thetruthisoutthere32 posted 4 days agorealclearpolitics(dot)com/articles/2008/10/undecideds_should
thetruthisoutthere32 posted 4 days agoFor those who like to bash Dick Morris. He does have a track record for predicting election results, as he predicted the 2010 Republican revolution based off of comparisons he drew between special elections in 1993 and 2009. Let's hope that this situation it different than 1994 in that the Republicans follow it up by ousting the communist in the White House, which didn't happen in 1996.
thetruthisoutthere32 posted 4 days agoHopefully, tomorrow we will know whether the nightmare of Obamunism in the U.S. has come to an end and we can begin ferreting out the treasonous scum below Obama who have been participating in the cabal to destroy this nation. Even if that happens, the People must start making attempts to identify the people above Obama and bringing them to justice for manipulating our electoral process and putting this imposter in the White House, in the first place.
thetruthisoutthere32 uploaded a video 5 days ago9:14WATCHED
thetruthisoutthere32 uploaded a video 1 week ago
thetruthisoutthere32 uploaded a video 1 week ago
thetruthisoutthere32 posted 1 week agoHere is one example of how disgraceful Obama happens to be. Ever since I started exercising my 1st Amendment, I've had cyber-stalkers, who are paid for by stimulus dollars to help suppress speech, following me around, threatening to kill me, engaging in psychological warfare, and various other methods that have been developed in totalitarian nations. Govt. trolls represent the kind of government speech for which Obama is paying. He's an enemy of the people and the U.S. Constitution.
thetruthisoutthere32 posted 1 week agoWell, golly gee, I guess since he used the words "acts of terror" in the Rose Garden during an apologetic speech, where Obama heralds the Libyans for all that they did for Stevens after they murdered him and dragged his body through the streets, a point which Obama fails to mention in the speech, and while reaffirming his commitment to the Libyans the day after our people are killed there, I guess we can forget about the fact that he's still lying and attempting to cover this up.
thetruthisoutthere32 posted 1 week agoIs it any wonder we have perp actions being carried out in the streets of America under Barack Hussein Obama? Look at these miserable pieces of shit. These are the kings and queens of perpdom. Time to get this kind of treasonous scum out of the White House and the positions to which Obama has appointed these wicked people. That would be a start.
thetruthisoutthere32 posted 1 week agoThe last video I made, "The Pied Piper of the United States," was not brought to you by the fiends of Obama.
thetruthisoutthere32 posted 1 week ago"A mob is a mob whether made up of government officials acting under instructions from the Department of Justice, or of criminals, loafers, and the vicious classes." - Judge George Anderson.
thetruthisoutthere32 uploaded a video 1 week ago
thetruthisoutthere32 posted 1 week ago"Osama Bin Laden Is Dead. So Are Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty"
thetruthisoutthere32 uploaded a video 2 weeks ago
thetruthisoutthere32 posted 2 weeks agoChe Guevera's hands sit on top of my fireplace mantle. I am thinking about auctioning them on E-bay. Of course, I am willing to open the bidding to some of the dirty, stinking communists watching this video right now.
thetruthisoutthere32 posted 2 weeks agoBasically, the Democrats are calling the female demographic that it's targeting a bunch of sluts. Last time I checked, women don't like that. The Obama Campaign in 2012 is going to be studied for generations by political scientists. Too funny!
Perp Trade Mark
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Victim of U.S. Totalitarianism
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