Perp Trade Mark

Perp Trade Mark

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

perping the perps

 I have personal knowledge that the weapons mentioned in H.R. 2977 and the applications mentioned in the bill have been developed and are operating beyond the testing phase and well into the application stage. However, they are still perfecting methods, as the application of these systems are multifaceted and it appears to involve an iterative process of learning what works best, what is the most effective means of deployment with the highest success rate, how best to keep the public unaware of the factual reality, and which methods work the best for demonizing anyone willing to speak about such things, while neutralizing opposition to these very powerful weapons of mass destruction and mass manipulation, which apparently our taxpayers have funded so that the government can deploy them for inclusion with the other tools of totalitarianism it has at its disposal, like the electronic surveillance grid, and the citizen spy culture, a controlled media, etc.
 Last night (09/27/12), I was doing my rounds, when I went to the front of the house and felt a strange sensation which seemed to emanate from an external source, immediately followed by erratic palpitations and irregular heartbeats at an accelerated rate. Simultaneously, a black or blue large pickup that was parked across the street watching me started its engine and drove away. I believe the time was somewhere between 3:00-3:30 A.M. Weird, huh?

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