Perp Trade Mark

Perp Trade Mark

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Tante Paula liegt im Bett und ißt Tomaten - Illup Gravengaard

thetruthisoutthere32 posted a comment - Ramaniac007

  • thetruthisoutthere32
    thetruthisoutthere32 posted a comment
    1 hour ago
    "Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO) is a group dedicated to the preservation of gun rights in the United States and "to encourage Americans to understand and defend all of the Bill of Rights for everyone"...The organization also attempts to prove that genocide is linked to gun control, by showing that most countries where a genocide has taken place had gun control first." -
  • thetruthisoutthere32
    thetruthisoutthere32 posted a comment
    1 hour ago
    "Gun Owners of America (GOA) is a gun rights organization in the United States with over 300,000 members. It makes efforts to differentiate itself from the larger National Rifle Association (NRA), and has publicly criticized the NRA on multiple occasions for allegedly compromising on gun rights issues and thereby selling out the gun rights movement." -
  • thetruthisoutthere32
    thetruthisoutthere32 posted a comment
    17 hours ago
    Let's Just Hand the Security of Our Schools Over to the Perps I: Actually, what the NRA is calling for is turning the security of our schools over to the very people who set this incident up in the first place. You see the community policing groups that they are going to use represent federal corruption and are helping target and torture political dissidents at this time using directed energy weapons, chemical weapons, and Stasi-like disintegration methods. They psychologically profile people they think are predisposed to violence, and try to set them off in order to create these incidents.
  • thetruthisoutthere32
    thetruthisoutthere32 posted a comment
    17 hours ago
    Let's Just Hand the Security of Our Schools Over to the Perps II: It's problem, reaction, solution. They create the problem, appeal to affect when they carry out a successful operation that involves murdering children, and then provide another police state solution. The American people are being duped by mass murdering scum who are just beginning to warm up. If we allow the current leadership to continue to propose solutions, they are going to kill many more of us. Dealing with the traitors to this nation, many who are sitting in public office and abusing their power, while directing what's essentially organized crime, is the real solution.
  • thetruthisoutthere32
    thetruthisoutthere32 posted a comment
    17 hours ago
    To HiggsBosonForJustice: So many people are bought and paid for these days. It's unbelievable to me how they can be so short-sighted. Some Republicans are definitely helping to sell this nation out. There's not enough of them who aren't complete wankers, but there are a few that I do respect. Hell, there is an extremely small handful of Democrats I still respect. By and large both parties are selling us into slavery despite the 13th and 14th Amendments, but hey, they seem to ignore all other aspects of the Constitution, so why should the Civil War Amendments be any different. People with integrity and loyalty to this nation must come together immediately.
  • HiggsBosonForJustice
    HiggsBosonForJustice posted a comment
    18 hours ago
    I truly believe the lump sum of Republican politicians can't wait to give on the gun issue then only to theatrically lament the loss of our rights.
  • thetruthisoutthere32
    thetruthisoutthere32 posted a comment
    21 hours ago
    Deal with the traitors to this nation, who are running things and compromising people in critical positions of influence. Then many of our social problems will be solved. The sooner that we realize that we are already at war, the better off we are going to be in the long run. Good people must band together to fight the bad, and there are lot of them around and they are playing us against each other. We've got to organize and develop cogent plans of action to defend our lives and our rights.
  • thetruthisoutthere32
    thetruthisoutthere32 posted a comment
    21 hours ago
    "Where do you draw the line on the right to bear arms?" - Another Youtube user. "How about at the line where the armed population will have a meaningful shot at resistance to tyranny and a well-funded 21st military machine that is likely to be directed at it with murderous intent?" - Me
  • thetruthisoutthere32
    thetruthisoutthere32 posted a comment
    21 hours ago
    "... but over 27,000 American men, women & children already die by firearm every year. Does that not concern you?" - Some other Youtube user. "It's better than 6,000,000 Jews in just a few years, 65,000,000 Chinese, 25,000,000 under the Soviet Union, and the 1.7 to 2.5 million out of a population of around 8 million under Pol Pot in Cambodia. Anyone making your argument should read "The Black Book of Communism" and be far more concerned with those figures. You can have random acts of violence in an armed society, or you can have terror, fear, repression, and mechanized mass murder and starvation as a weapon under authoritarianism." - Me
  • thetruthisoutthere32
    thetruthisoutthere32 posted a comment
    21 hours ago
    "All you idiots who demonize the NRA no nothing about it. Nor do you know anything about how to protect yourself and your community from sick people." - Another Youtube user. "Does it have anything to do with stalking them, hitting them with electromagnetic frequencies to perturb their mind in order to induce symptoms of mental illness, and then trying to bait them into committing a crime and conspiring to abuse civil commitment proceedings against someone who has been deemed to be "sick" based upon defamation of character? Does it have anything to do with targeting political dissidents and witnesses to state and corporate corruption? I think I know about that." - Me
  • thetruthisoutthere32
    thetruthisoutthere32 posted a comment
    22 hours ago
    Don't worry, you'll get both a Nazi-like T4 program targeting those who they decide to call mentally ill, most likely because of their political viewpoints, and the necessary gun control measures to ramp of the prototypical extermination project into mechanized mass murder. This argument has been framed to deliver both bad results to our population, because those truly responsible for the deaths of these children are following the standard totalitarian template.
  • thetruthisoutthere32
    thetruthisoutthere32 posted a comment
    1 day ago
    The most cynical aspect of this is how it plays to the people who are actually concerned about maintaining their rights, and how it is made to seem as if it is something that remains in the hands of local control. Don't be fooled. Don't swallow this garbage. Apparently, the NRA is as dirty as everyone else. Un-freakin-believable!
  • thetruthisoutthere32
    thetruthisoutthere32 posted a comment
    1 day ago
    It is as dirty as it gets and does not have the best interest of any freedom loving person in mind. Be wary. The fact is that we knew the schools were open long ago. They have been designed that way. Nothing was done as the locals were bought off or were complacent despite the risk. And now these overarching solutions with serious rights implications are now being rolled out.
  • thetruthisoutthere32
    thetruthisoutthere32 posted a comment
    1 day ago
    Of course, it is claimed that this program is going to be comprised of locals and developed locally. However, anyone watching the federalized perping program knows full well who is pulling the strings and providing the funding for it. This isn't something that will be developed. It is something that already has been developed, that they want to unveil to the masses.
  • thetruthisoutthere32
    thetruthisoutthere32 posted a comment
    1 day ago
    We are getting played. This is about expanding the Perps Projects Administration, bringing it out into the open and normalizing it, and giving the secret police a heavy presence in the public schools systems. The NRA is playing devil's advocate to the red herring in order to push the real agenda here.
  • thetruthisoutthere32
    thetruthisoutthere32 posted a comment
    1 day ago
    The 2nd Amendment debate is kind of a red herring in this. This was really carried out to further expand the U.S. version of the Nazi's T4 program, which I have been complaining about. The NRA is going to help them do it. So in supposedly defending one right, this guy wants to throw how many others under the bus? What a piece of shit. Pull your membership from the NRA and build a comprehensive constitutional rights movement.
  • thetruthisoutthere32
    thetruthisoutthere32 posted a comment
    2 days ago
    Some say that this is a warning about what is coming to America. This is already happening in America, except at the moment the death squads responsible are operating covertly and using electromagnetic frequency weapons, chemical weapons, and psychological torture and manipulation instead of hell-fire missiles to kill targets. Their families are also collateral damage.
  • thetruthisoutthere32
    thetruthisoutthere32 posted a comment
    2 days ago
    The real cognitive dissonance and mental disorder is on the part of people who will bend over backwards to ignore the signs and realities before them in order to shape their perception to what they are being told by the state run media concerning these types of events, so that they can keep thinking that the government is benevolent and has the best interest of its citizens at heart. It is too uncomfortable to face reality, so they can be spoon fed lie after lie by so-called "news" outlets.
  • thetruthisoutthere32
    thetruthisoutthere32 posted a comment
    2 days ago
    Conspiracy theories are not a mental illness, but rather a sign of a thinking person living in a complicated and dangerous world, at least when the person advancing or analyzing them does so with intellectual honesty, applying reason and logic. There are many people deliberately put in the field to muddy the waters and obfuscate the truth. If there are no conspiracies, then why pay these agents and have criminal statutes against conspiracy?
  • thetruthisoutthere32
    thetruthisoutthere32 posted a comment
    2 days ago
    A hoax usually involves presenting something that is a fake off as real without an intent to gain from, damage, or deprive the victims. It's more akin to a practical joke or psychological ploy carried out for the personal satisfaction of duping large segments of the population. If Sandy Hook is a black op carried out to push a political agenda involving deception, it would be more accurately described as a criminal conspiracy to commit mass murder, terrorism, political fraud, and treason, not as a hoax.
  • thetruthisoutthere32
    thetruthisoutthere32 posted a comment
    3 days ago
    Gee, what a coincidence. I bet the information on his computer would be damaging to his handlers and the people who worked tirelessly to try to set him off. I bet there is serious evidence that would implicate government agencies and the criminals that they are contracting with in order to try to cause more of these events. This story stinks as badly as the shooting in Aurora, yet we are supposed to believe that we should give up our rights. This government is as dirty as they come. At 0:05 there is a kernel of truth in the report when she says, "investigations say the Newtown gunmen did such a thorough job the FBI has been unable to retrieve any information." There were reports of multiple gunmen. This looks like a government op. And I am sure that the evidence contained on his computer was destroyed by those who carried out the shooting, or were responsible for setting it up so that the deaths of kindergarteners could be exploited to eliminate the rights of U.S. citizens.
  • thetruthisoutthere32
    thetruthisoutthere32 posted a comment
    3 days ago
    Is it just me, or is this larger attack on constitutionalists in the aftermath of Sandy Creek related to the counter-insurgency and psyops that have been in full swing targeting selected individuals who are staunch opponents of the implementation of George Orwell's "1984" inside the U.S. in 2012-13?
  • thetruthisoutthere32
    thetruthisoutthere32 posted a comment
    5 days ago
    If you want to end gun violence in America, then the proper solution is not to attack the fundamental rights of Americans, but rather to investigate and shut down the government's illegal Perps Projects Administration, a.k.a. several programs operating under the DHS and various other federal agencies participating in the torture and programming of people in order to create the the scenarios they're proposing unconstitutional laws to supposedly solve. Tyrants wish to end the Second Amendment not because they want to solve gun violence, but because they wish to engage in more of it without opposition.
  • thetruthisoutthere32
    thetruthisoutthere32 posted a comment
    5 days ago
    Perps have turned our courts, our police, and our system of government into a laughing stock. At this point, it's a total sham, almost completely illegitimate, which is why those who have destroyed it are resorting to gangsterism to perpetuate their false power and greedy schemes.
  • thetruthisoutthere32
    thetruthisoutthere32 posted a comment
    5 days ago
    Perp Tactics 101 - Threatening People with Road Flares: I've got to wonder what the judge was thinking and whether or not this is yet another example of the two-tiered perp/law abiding citizen justice system that we have in the U.S. and whether the old lady and the hired extortionists she used threw the judge the secret gang sign.
  • thetruthisoutthere32
    thetruthisoutthere32 posted a comment
    6 days ago
    What's funny is that the perps are the ones with the mental illnesses, as evidence by the way in which they speak about torturing, maiming, and killing those whom they would like to deem to be mentally ill for simply disagreeing with their cowardly ways. What's going to be even funnier is when it's them who end up in the cattle cars that they so callously discuss throwing law abiding citizens into for getting in the way of their mass perversion. Perps aren't funny, but when poetic justice is served, I will crack a smile, probably laugh out loud, and I may even need to repent for receiving satisfaction from the materialization of the fates which they have chosen for themselves. After all, they are the ones who have proven themselves to be terrorists. Simply because the laws aren't being enforced now, doesn't mean they won't be in the future.
  • chucklelmao
    chucklelmao posted a comment
    6 days ago
    if you hear clicking noises in your head (internally) then you are definitely under governmental attack and will need a faraday cage to protect during night hours of immobility.
  • chucklelmao
    chucklelmao posted a comment
    6 days ago
    have you tried a faraday cage long enough to put a sleeping bag or matress in? Pysch weapons are based mostly on microwave frequencies. A faraday cage will render them useless.
  • thetruthisoutthere32
    thetruthisoutthere32 posted a comment
    6 days ago
    So talk asshole...I'm all ears.
    SEIUMAN posted a comment
    6 days ago
    I'm ready to talk like a man if you are ?
  • thetruthisoutthere32
    thetruthisoutthere32 posted a comment
    1 week ago
    PPA I: Soft Socialism: "[In 1939]...the Work Projects Administration; WPA was the largest and most ambitious New Deal agency, employing millions of unskilled workers to carry out public works projects, including the construction of public buildings and roads." Hard Socialism: In 2012, we have the Perps Projects Administration; PPA, carried out under the direction and control of hardcore globalists masquerading as statists in order to complete the destruction of the U.S. nation state by employing many of the same types of unemployed low skill laborers, this time not to construct infrastructure, but to engage in the destruction of those who oppose the treason of these globalists, while our infrastructure continues to decay and the politic figures pretend the money being allocated for this cause is going to fund "shovel ready jobs."
  • thetruthisoutthere32
    thetruthisoutthere32 posted a comment
    1 week ago
    PPA II: The only shovel ready job is the tough work that the American people have in attempting to make sense out of the bullshit often referred to as the "official story," which is handed down by the corrupt government-media complex. If one is going to attempt to dig their way out of the piles of horse pucky being dumped upon the citizens of this nation, he or she is going to need a shovel. However, the government is not going to provide it. Instead, if it finds out that you are attempting to dig yourself out and decipher truth, they will come and break your shovel, right before they add you to the Perps Projects Administration's targeting list. The shootings in Oregon and Connecticut are most likely the handy work of the PPA. This is how far we've fallen as a nation, killing kindergarteners for a political end. Yet, the perps continue to perp away without conscience, without remorse.
  • Crankwhistle
    Crankwhistle posted a comment
    1 week ago
    I Quantum in Yahweh's Name that all good people that come here to thetruthisoutthere32's Channel are protected from all evil interventions and see clearly Truths and nothing but Truths to keep them on a Truthful Path to Paradise I Command this in Yahweh's Name, thank You God Yahweh, thank You Good Loveing Angels of Yahweh...........Amen Saint Thomas time of this writeing Subs 353 Views 64,297 (3536,(42+97)139)...((3+5)8,(3+61=64)88888888,(3+7)10)...(88888888,(81=999999999)333333333333333333333333333,0)...(88888888333333,(3+3+3+3=12=1,1+1)111,333,(3+3+3+3=12=1,1+1)111,333,(3+3+3+3=12=1,1+1)111,333)...(88888888333,(33+31=64)88888888,11,(33+31=64)88888888,11,(33+31=64)88888888,11333).........88888888 - 333 - 88888888 - 11 - 88888888 - 11 - 88888888 - 11 - 333 Divine...Saint Thomas 333
  • Higgs Boson
    Higgs Boson posted a comment
    1 week ago
    What exactly is a perp? Your definition seems not to be a law enforcement of PERP.
  • thetruthisoutthere32
    thetruthisoutthere32 posted a comment
    1 week ago
    How many perps does it take to screw in a light bulb? None. They are too busy attempting to destroy other people's lives to be bothered with any constructive tasks. But if they were to try, it would take several dozen to sit around red teaming ideas before the group assigned a couple of lowly perp monkeys to flub the job, thereby demonstrating collective perp incompetence. Therefore, the answer is still none. Perps are useless.
  • DaisyDukeRock
    DaisyDukeRock posted a comment
    1 week ago
    *BTW: You say/write soooo many AWESOME things... I wish I could give them ALL 'Thumbs-Up' - You're so damn SMART & SANE!!! ;)
  • DaisyDukeRock
    DaisyDukeRock posted a comment
    1 week ago
    What do you think about 'Kerry' as the next Secretary of State? I'm on the fence, as I am NOT a big fan, although I guess anyone would be better than Rice; especially since her convoluted explanations of the said actions in Benghazi, provided us with more information than the President would have liked - I am certain - That's WHY she's getting the boot for the 'Nom' - No Doubt!!! ;) lol But, again, 'John Kerry' just doesn't strike me as the answer; but I guess that anyone under the 'O' Administration is going to be all smoke and mirrors anyway - Right?! :\
  • thetruthisoutthere32
    thetruthisoutthere32 posted a comment
    2 weeks ago
    The efforts to divert listeners away from Jones is classic COINTELPRO. There are many shills involved, all expecting a cut. There is a massive offensive against Jones and it has nothing to do with the truth. It has to do with the control over information, who gets the profits, and exemplifies yet another symptom of the assault on free speech in the alternative media. They want people they can absolutely control.
  • thetruthisoutthere32
    thetruthisoutthere32 posted a comment
    2 weeks ago
    Santilli is a douche who appears to be smearing Jones in order to poach listeners in what is a tight and competitive market, while attempting to sell it as doing his patriotic duty to "expose" a man who has done more to expose the totalitarian agenda in the U.S. than possibly another other person, so that he can divert people from the truth and into the realm of reptilians and anti-Semitism, where it's easy to discredit the movement against totalitarianism in mass, for perks and profit.
  • thetruthisoutthere32
    thetruthisoutthere32 posted a comment
    3 weeks ago
    People would like for us to believe the Democrats are the party of compassion and being your brother's keeper. They only have compassion for those whom they can manipulate politically, while they ask citizens to keep their brothers down with snitching and perping to prevent a groundswell from rising against them. These people are so transparent. Anyone who is complicit and participating in their corruption is nothing but a greedy communist pig.
  • aqsdasdrdsgsdfdsf
    aqsdasdrdsgsdfdsf posted a comment
    3 weeks ago
    Judgement day is coming.
  • systemicxdesing
    systemicxdesing posted a comment
    4 weeks ago
    leicafrog... NLP pulsed energy deviceUnbelievable but true... I show my working pulsed magnetic field emitter which actually can induce dramatic shifts in brain waves and consciousness in anyone with a wide radius, goes throuh wall, ceilings, floors, and human skulls
  • BrutalTruthMediaMaui
    BrutalTruthMediaMaui posted a comment
    4 weeks ago
    love your channel..i can see you are awake
  • Kathleen Ludington
    Kathleen Ludington posted a comment
    4 weeks ago
    First & foremost, WE are a parody of a phony doKKKturd named mccanusthroughx. You will find out who dat iz by watchin are videros. LOL! WE are a team of 7 highly-wealthy professionals living under da same roof! LOL! WE make millions an millons of dollhairs. WE're rich!
  • BlahAnaly
    BlahAnaly posted a comment
    4 weeks ago
    thetruthisoutthere32 <3
  • DaisyDukeRock
    DaisyDukeRock posted a comment
    4 weeks ago
    ƸӜƷ ŧhαnkful Ƒøʀ ŧhє ŧʀʊŧh❥♥✽♥•*`*•.㋡ Happy Thanksgiving ~ Thanks for bringing the 'Truth' to the forefront in order to help awaken the masses... If even you reach once man of reason, then your voice has not fallen on deaf ears! Praise and Glory be to God, for the Men and Women who are Brave enough to tell the 'Truth' ~ You are indeed one who has proven to be both Brave and Truthful... For that, I am 'Thankful' on this Day! :)
  • Kathleen Ludington
    Kathleen Ludington posted a comment
    1 month ago
    thetruthisoutthere32, Greetings from all of US at Team Kathleen LudingTON!
  • thetruthisoutthere32
    thetruthisoutthere32 posted a comment
    1 month ago
    Yeah right. You're barking up the wrong tree. You obviously have no idea with whom you're dealing, or what the scumbags of your philosophical persuasion, if you can even call it that, have put me through. Therefore, any attempts to convince me that I am wrong will fall on deaf ears, because I only have an ear for reason and logic. Your attempts to convince me that you are anything other than a rabid maniac will be unsuccessful, because it is impossible to feign civility with someone who has first hand knowledge of how uncivilized you creatures happen to be. Other people are figuring it out rather quickly as well and the battle lines are being drawn. Unfortunately for you, and because of your low self-esteem, greed, and jealousy, you things have chosen to pick a fight with people who will outclass you in every way. I'll see you on the battlefield when the time comes.
  • SpookeyR
    SpookeyR posted a comment
    1 month ago
    Your buddy has blocked me from responding/commenting! So, I am left to tell you how fucking wrong you are right here...
  • Buddy8DChe8DHinton
    Buddy8DChe8DHinton posted a comment
    1 month ago
    Sergei Magnitsky was a NAZI